Private Credit Funds can now join the EDCI as contibuting members

During the 2024 annual sprint, the EDCI SteerCo reviewed the private credit membership model, and is excited to announce that Private Credit firms can now formally join the EDCI as contributing members in exactly the same way that Private Equity firms can! This change goes beyond the previous membership model which focused on data sharing between private credit and private equity funds. Details of the revised membership opportunity include:  

 PC firms are invited to submit data to the initiative and should indicate clearly if the company they are lending to is sponsor-backed  

  • To ensure no data duplication, PC data will only be added to the benchmark for PortCos that are  
    1. Not sponsor-backed, or 
    2. Sponsor-backed by non-EDCI member GP(s)  
  • Visualization of all contributed PC data will be made available in the online portal for contributing PC funds to view in the dashboard  

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The EDCI has several value propositions for Private Credit firms

The ESG Data Convergence Initiative has a number of functions that are specifically tailored for private credit firms

Learn more

Data Requests from GPs

Request ESG data from individual portfolio companies – directly from GPs and within the EDCI platform

ESG Data in Lending

Leverage benchmark data to improve ESG risk analysis and to inform underwriting and lending decisions

ESG Impact

Drive measurable ESG impact over time – normalized at the sector, region, and revenue levels

Financial Outcomes

Better understand current ESG performance in the private markets and its link to financial outcomes

Ambitious yet Sustainable Target – Setting for SLLs

Inform target – setting for Sustainability Linked Loans (SLLs) and link to changes in industry benchmarks

What EDCI members say about the initiative

Hear what members say about the EDCI

What does it mean for Private Credit firms to be part of this initiative?

To participate, Private Credit firms agree to:

  • Report portfolio EDCI data on a best efforts basis during the annual reporting cycle
  • When requesting ESG data from a borrower, align that request with the EDCI metrics and their definition
  • On a best efforts basis, encourage additional industry efforts to drive ESG information / data request convergence
  • Be publicly associated with the initiative
  • Contribute to the initiative’s financial sustainability

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